The Daily Blumpkin

The 1st Amendment in full trucker affect.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Yesterday, foundations were shook. Catastrophe was abound. Long standing structures were shaken to their very core. Lives were changed forever. And countless innocents were devastated. Every now and then a day rolls around that is just pure chaos. January 12, 2010 was one of those days.

With great dismay, I will first touch upon the travesty in Haiti. Hitting about 7.7 on the Richter scale, a mighty earthquake has reduced Haiti to rubble. Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere, and for this to happen to an already unfortunate nation, a paranoia of falling behind the eight ball as those cursed Haitians have consumes my soul like the black cloud that hovers over their poor island nation.

Slavery, corruption within the government, and constant foreign intervention have plagued Haiti since it became independent in 1804. Now it faces a rebuilding process of epic proportions that will see every capable nation lending a hand. This will be a moment of global solidarity for about 12 seconds before big foreign businesses "helping out" destroy the country in a far worse way; similar to the help Lane Kiffin gave to Tennessee after their devastating final year under Phil Fulmer. Which leads us to our next calamity that happened yesterday....

Not only did grotesque misfortunes plague a small Caribbean country on 1/12/10, the winds of adversity also blew through Knoxville, Tennessee. Had it just been the disaster in Haiti, my fear would have subsided after an all night binge of salty dogs and UNO; but after seeing the baffling events that took place in the once proud south, my paranoia rose to a threat level as red as the devil’s dick.

Lane Kiffin packing up and leaving for USC did not come as a surprise. Tennessee allowing it to happen did. How does an SEC school allow a coach to sign a pre-nuptial agreement like that? An institution riddled in tradition like UT should have known better than to hire a guy who lasted as an NFL head coach, albeit with Al Davis, for barely one year. It was questioned when they made the hire, and now the UT heads will have their noses shoved right into the heaping pile of waste left by their hasty decision to hire a young football brat as their head of state.

The buyout on Kiffin’s contract was $800K. The tricked out hummer given to Reggie Bush cost Southern Cal more. For being in the strongest and most respected conference in all of college football, UT has truly fallen behind the times when it comes to the business end of the sport. They are operating under rules that haven’t been observed in two decades.

Loyalty, tradition, and integrity waved bye bye to the world of college football at about the same time those diarrhea factories you call your favorite pizza parlors started putting their logos on our formerly beloved bowl games. UT is in the goddamn South Eastern Conference, they should be reprimanded by their southern cohorts for showing a childlike naivety not seen down there since Dr. Arliss Lovelace believed he could get Grant to sign that surrender treaty.

What did UT think they were getting out of the deal? How can educated people be this dumb? You cannot give them a way out if you’re the party with everything to lose! UT has officially become the redheaded step child or the Haiti, if you will, of the SEC.

Just like Haiti, years of corruption have left UT fucked up beyond all recognition. What was once a proud program, has turned into a sad, snake bitten, ceaseless suckfest. The UT program has been set back 4 to 5 years with this heinous and disloyal act. Equating that to the damage done in Haiti; a 4 to 5 year rebuilding process in college football, especially the SEC, is the same as the likely 2 to 3 decade long rebuilding effort Haiti is in for. However, Haiti was never in good shape, so they have that going for them. UT has the pressure of winning, appeasing the media, and making money off of gifted adolescents; a task that takes a far more Herculean effort than building up a nation. Millions of dollars will be lost. Countless souls will be sacrificed. Hope will spread pubic hair thin. The future is bleak and tough times are guaranteed to be on the horizon.

By now I am physically shaking. Time and tide wait for no man. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been through all the bullshit already or that you’ve played by the rules the entire time. Misfortunes do not come singly and they can happen to anyone. Just try and keep it together, that’s my plan. Stay on your toes, be prepared for anything, because that’s exactly what can happen.

Peace easy.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Playoff Manifesto

As Nick Saban forced a smile and hoisted his newly won crystal ball, in the back of his mind he was thinking two things:

-Those fucks with the Gatorade are dead!


-Is that all there is to it?

Touching upon coach’s first thought first, that shower he received was more like a mugging, a douse and run, an assault and showering. The look on Saban’s face after he was accosted by the suspects, two African-American men in their early twenties; was worth the entire evening, even with the star of the show being knocked out before the party ever started. Talking heads were saying the morning after that Saban showed such little emotion after the shower because of the intensity and competitive drive within his heartless soul. I beg to differ. I surmise that coach kept a platypus face after his customary electrolyte bath because he, like most of America, knew that although his Alabama team had beaten a very worthy opponent, they were in no way a real champion. Coach Saban knew that the shower/mollywopping given to him by his players was not quite warranted.

That brings me to that second notion that struck through the Alabama miracle man’s noodle as he accepted the prize before a raucous Pasadena crowd. Is that all there is to it? That’s all that is required by the powers that be and the people to be recognized as the best? Even when there’s another team who beat more than worthy opponents on their way to an equally undefeated season?

When you think about it, besides a victory on a national stage, Nick Saban didn’t have much else to get giddy about. The trophy presentation was a farce,. He knew it. The 100,000 plus at the Rose Bowl and the millions watching at home knew it as well. Yet every single one of them accepted it.

Just as they accepted the government taking their money and handing it to bankers, the people allowed the BCS to take their trophy and hand it to the team they deemed fit to hoist it. There is no end to the atrocities that the people will allow corporate entities to get away with, no matter how violent, unfair, and evil they may be. I understood it when it happened with our money. Ok you got us, we hadn’t a clue what the fuck a credit default swap was. You pulled a fast one with that sub-prime mortgage bullshit; but when it happens in football, you are stepping way the fuck out of line!

Football is America. Call it an obsession, or an illness, or an addiction, whatever! It defines the very fabric that makes up an American. We can take this shit seriously. And you can get away with a lot of things. You can get away with tweaking the rules of the game to make it more ratings friendly, smear corporate feces all over the broadcasts, and even leave crippled ex-warriors without proper health care to nurse the copious nagging injuries that they have. But we the American people will be damned if you are going to take us for this ride without a proper and just climax! You already prevent us health care for pre-existing health conditions; if you think that you’re going to tease us like this any longer, then as a scantily clad bald British man told me once, "you got another thing comin'!"

I went to protest the evil BCS as tailgates and pre-game festivities took place, asking many Longhorn and Tide fans what they thought of the BCS. An overwhelming majority told me that they believed it was a tyrannical and unfair oligarchy. Yet when I asked them having said that, would they still feel like a champion after a victory at the 2010 BCS “national championship,” every single one of them said yes. Pussies.

So I will speak for the people here, because I am not mesmerized by the shiny crystal ball and I refuse to ignore the man behind the curtain. Unlike the Alabama and Texas fans whom I surveyed, I will not consider any of your “so-called champions” to be champions. Once we add our beloved playoff, all of your “champs” will have a big fat asterisk by it. The tyranny and the bullshit is over! Down with the BCS!
SUCK ON IT! ***************************************************************************

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Allow Me to Have Your Attention During This Serious Holiday Moment

Thanks to.....

-my bookie for setting his lines so generously and never complicating our relationship with heavily armed Meat heads.

-the 4 Letter network for giving us such knee slappers as:

"Brandon Jennings might be the one."
"Is Brett Favre retired?"
"MMA is the fastest growing "sport" in America."

-poor follicle genetics.

-a woman with an ample hind end, or what some may crudely yet affectionately refer to as a pooper.

-outer demons

-app platters

-network dramas

-maintaining an us against the world mentality while achieving unexpected heights.

-cryptic irony and the many lessons it has given to us.

-the inventor of the bio-degradable baby wipe.

-most of all, my minions.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Give Thanks

In the spirit of the holiday I have posted some of my closest Twitter friends' thanksgiving tweets. Enjoy!

Rupert Murdoch: "I fear that all I have to be thankful for is fear itself."


Pat Smith: "Burgess"

George W. Bush: "Besides gettin' outta the White House before the shit storm I set in motion came around, I am thankful for three things.......Clits, tits, and bong hits! God bless America."

Alex Rodriguez: "I am thankful for being the baseball player with the best tan. I am the best athlete in the sport, and the best looking, and the fittest one of them all, and you know, and I'm gonna show it."

50 Cent: "Sup son!? I'm thankful to God for real that I'm one of the best rappers, when I'm hungry."

Tom Arnold: "I am thankful for that I am off the shit for one. Most of all, I am thankful for chubby matures."

Death: "I'm going to have to say ventriloquists."

John Oates: "Sultry eyes, standard poses, my mustache; there's so much to be thankful for. However I am going to tighten it up for you and narrow my official response down to this and you can figure it out. The secret to our success. Purple."

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Are you shitting me? This is mine.

Sup B. Gambling here on my new favorite day of the week. And what do you know it! In the early stages of tonight's adventure things were indeed looking ominous for my ego, wallet, and self-esteem. But suddenly my prospects have been given a little hope as tonight's challenges have progressed.

The profoundly evil New York Yankees are doing me good as Mark Teixeira has just tied the Anaheim Angels by carving them up with the precision of a world renowned heart surgeon who undoubtedly studied at UPMC medical school. And hooray for that! Ye yeah.

Now my ingenious ploy to get myself a free funded flight and game ticket to commit extremely addictive and disturbing behavior doesn't look like such a pipe dream as some known doubters professed. And hell yeah! The second squad in tonight's ripe peach of a parlay, the equally evil Florida State Seminoles, just cut into their early deficit in Chapel Hill. Rashaan Salaam! This gambling doctor's prognosis looks good!

If my dark prediction rings true I will most definitely be able to cover live and in color the unveiling of the Denver Broncos for you. It will be an exposure though dudes. And barring any severe injuries for my heroes before the big Monday Night pantsing in the Rockies, it will probably be an indecent one at that. The Denver Broncos and their snot nosed brat coach Joshua McDaniels are an astounding 6 and o as I write this in the year of our lord 2009. How is this possible!? What is going on!? Who is doing this!? Is what you are asking. Well for the life of me, much like the rest of the blood thirsty, maggot eating vultures that call themselves the NFL nation, I cannot tell you bud. I mean they have a few unknown badasses on their underrated defense, but other than luck I do not have a logical reason as to how this travesty has come abaht.

Anyways, that don't matter now B, cuz Florida State just brought it within 5 before the start of the 4th quarter and I will be there for you, when, before a national audience on cable television and illegal worldwide internet streams, the heroic and mighty Pittsburgh Steelers show the world what Denver is actually packin'. They say numbers don't lie but I have a sneaking suspicion that whomever made that statement first, had a miserable little pecker. Ah yes, it will be a truly vicious and undoubtedly unrewarding assignment, but I will of course be there for you.

Even though this evening looks surely to be going to be a gut wrenching, teeth grinding, drag aht, knock 'em dahn slobberknocker; my confidence shall not stagger. Only for the sheer reason that it is not acceptable in the pursuit of victory. It cannot be tolerated. And you can trust that it won't. As long as it is close of course. In terms of sport, that means if the Yankees go dahn any more than 4 again, I am probably screwed. And for the State school in Florida, a deficit increase by any more than 2 scores will surely break my back on this bloody evening.

Unlike our nobel President, who faces a key moment in the legacy that he will leave as the unfortunate soul who took the hurlers from Big Texas Oil off the mound. Now coming in for relief! From Wall Street, by way of Corrupt Chicago Real Estate, Barack Obama! Obama!

Obama will not show he has lost. He most definitely can't. Too much at stake for some folks who are more sick and depraved in their gambling habits than me or you. It's virtually not even his decision to make. But in reality it is. But that reality is not somewhere this hypnotic lawyer lives. He has his own that he shares with his financially polarizing cohorts. The world of big business. Somewhere that makes betting the mortgage on the Yankees to clinch look like a wager made on a public basketball court in Venice Beach. These are REAL gambling addicts B. It's a sick life to live as a business man.

Why do you think Obama dresses like he does? He's not an every man. He's a business man. All the world's indeed a stage and he dresses the part. He has business interests at heart. So don't go thinking any of that money is going towards you going to the doc bozo.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! watch aht nah Bud, you're dahn in this baseball game and you're football match has a huge 3rd and medium comin' up. Off the politics and focus man!

Sha Sha. Seminole stop. Carolina settles for 3. Touchdahn wins it. Better set the fruitcup baby bro's Mac dahn and put some attention in. It's been real. Remember; don't lose confidence! You will win. Anything less than victory is unacceptable. Aht.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Hallelujah Holler Back

As I am scoffing at the 'Stache for allowing Stull to throw to the Polish Power with an 11 point lead in the red zone, thought's of BCS glory refuse to escape my head. The Big East is a power. Get it through your feeble little skulls. And with Pitt sitting in the thrown, the Big East wields the mightiest sword.

Now back from my brief, yet frequent haze of homeboy fever.

But when I do take a long hard look at the lack of attention the Fightin' Nordies get, I can only blame one group of inadequate and underachieving jag offs; and those are the Panther Pundits.

You are the source of all their, er, our problems.

There is no big fight feel on a Friday night before a Panther Prowl down to the North Shore. The lack of blind allegiance is also quite disturbing. And where are the hell are the innocuous traditions? There's no extended chanting or battle cries echoing from the Frick building to Mt. Warshington. No face painting or body altering. Never have I seen a tattoo of the original Pitt script on the bicep of a 'roided out English Lit major. Or even in the tramp stamp region of one of the pleasantly plump co-eds.

All I am saying is that if you want the attention you gotta ask for it. And not with a raised hand. That is NOT how things are done around here, as you may have noticed.

Roast a living animal. Sacrifice a graduate assistant from a rival school. Get noticed. If they can do it in the south there's no reason we can't do it in the City of Champions.

No more excuses. It's the only way we're going to get that mano e mano showdown with those bastards who stole Joe Namath from us oh so many years ago. We owe that generation at least that much.

Piss on me and call me Saphire! I just lifted my head up and see our boys are up 25. That's a cover. Well at least the 'Stache is doing his part. Let's help him aht a bit, eh? Homework........

After class this week, randomly start a Genac genee Allegenablahblah chant on Forbes or Fifth, or wherever you are. Act like a fucking loon. Stir it up. I can't win any money with us playing on Friday nights anymore. Time for primetime. It's up to you!

Good talk see ya aht there.
