The 1st Amendment in full trucker affect.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Yesterday, foundations were shook. Catastrophe was abound. Long standing structures were shaken to their very core. Lives were changed forever. And countless innocents were devastated. Every now and then a day rolls around that is just pure chaos. January 12, 2010 was one of those days.

With great dismay, I will first touch upon the travesty in Haiti. Hitting about 7.7 on the Richter scale, a mighty earthquake has reduced Haiti to rubble. Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere, and for this to happen to an already unfortunate nation, a paranoia of falling behind the eight ball as those cursed Haitians have consumes my soul like the black cloud that hovers over their poor island nation.

Slavery, corruption within the government, and constant foreign intervention have plagued Haiti since it became independent in 1804. Now it faces a rebuilding process of epic proportions that will see every capable nation lending a hand. This will be a moment of global solidarity for about 12 seconds before big foreign businesses "helping out" destroy the country in a far worse way; similar to the help Lane Kiffin gave to Tennessee after their devastating final year under Phil Fulmer. Which leads us to our next calamity that happened yesterday....

Not only did grotesque misfortunes plague a small Caribbean country on 1/12/10, the winds of adversity also blew through Knoxville, Tennessee. Had it just been the disaster in Haiti, my fear would have subsided after an all night binge of salty dogs and UNO; but after seeing the baffling events that took place in the once proud south, my paranoia rose to a threat level as red as the devil’s dick.

Lane Kiffin packing up and leaving for USC did not come as a surprise. Tennessee allowing it to happen did. How does an SEC school allow a coach to sign a pre-nuptial agreement like that? An institution riddled in tradition like UT should have known better than to hire a guy who lasted as an NFL head coach, albeit with Al Davis, for barely one year. It was questioned when they made the hire, and now the UT heads will have their noses shoved right into the heaping pile of waste left by their hasty decision to hire a young football brat as their head of state.

The buyout on Kiffin’s contract was $800K. The tricked out hummer given to Reggie Bush cost Southern Cal more. For being in the strongest and most respected conference in all of college football, UT has truly fallen behind the times when it comes to the business end of the sport. They are operating under rules that haven’t been observed in two decades.

Loyalty, tradition, and integrity waved bye bye to the world of college football at about the same time those diarrhea factories you call your favorite pizza parlors started putting their logos on our formerly beloved bowl games. UT is in the goddamn South Eastern Conference, they should be reprimanded by their southern cohorts for showing a childlike naivety not seen down there since Dr. Arliss Lovelace believed he could get Grant to sign that surrender treaty.

What did UT think they were getting out of the deal? How can educated people be this dumb? You cannot give them a way out if you’re the party with everything to lose! UT has officially become the redheaded step child or the Haiti, if you will, of the SEC.

Just like Haiti, years of corruption have left UT fucked up beyond all recognition. What was once a proud program, has turned into a sad, snake bitten, ceaseless suckfest. The UT program has been set back 4 to 5 years with this heinous and disloyal act. Equating that to the damage done in Haiti; a 4 to 5 year rebuilding process in college football, especially the SEC, is the same as the likely 2 to 3 decade long rebuilding effort Haiti is in for. However, Haiti was never in good shape, so they have that going for them. UT has the pressure of winning, appeasing the media, and making money off of gifted adolescents; a task that takes a far more Herculean effort than building up a nation. Millions of dollars will be lost. Countless souls will be sacrificed. Hope will spread pubic hair thin. The future is bleak and tough times are guaranteed to be on the horizon.

By now I am physically shaking. Time and tide wait for no man. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been through all the bullshit already or that you’ve played by the rules the entire time. Misfortunes do not come singly and they can happen to anyone. Just try and keep it together, that’s my plan. Stay on your toes, be prepared for anything, because that’s exactly what can happen.

Peace easy.


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