The 1st Amendment in full trucker affect.

Friday, July 31, 2009


-You're Major League Baseball trade deadline has come and gone. Let's look at the winners and losers......

Winners: The teams with all the money.

Losers: The teams whose rosters are raped and pillaged by the teams with money.

Baseball.....what a delightfully ironic microcosm of how the world works.

-Redneck in Scranton proclaims: "If your in America and can't speak English, get the fuck out!"

Hughstown, PA bigot, freedom of speech advocate, and foo manchu enthusiast Joseph Decker, was arrested in November for having this sign on the back of his pickup, and is now suing the town that violated his rights.

Horrible whenever someone's freedom of speech is threatened. Give these Hughstown coppers the benefit of the doubt and subscribe to the belief that they pulled Mr. Decker over, not for being offensive, but for being an ignorant prick with the grammar of someone who might live in Hughstown, Pennsylvania!

Yes it is true, that headline reads correct! The hooplehead's boisterous claim in favor of his beloved native tongue, failed to recognize some simple rules within the language he holds so dear.

Naturally after "my smart-alec wop lawyer said it wasn't proper grammar," Mr. Decker changed his sign, not only to be less offensive (he placed symbols within the "Fuck" word) but he did indeed correct his mistake and changed the "your" into "you're."

Think of it this way Spanish, Korean, and Swahili speakers; all you really need to live in Joe Decker's America is the same knowledge of the English language as someone who shits themselves regularly and is really into the Backyardigans. Get your shit together and pick up some books. I suggest Everybody Poops by Taro Gomi. You should be able to get Mr. Decker's view on the sanctity of the English language.

Joe Decker,

Although I find your views poppycock, I will fight 'til the death for your right to express them.

And now a return to innocence.

Hi oh ay ay ay ay ay. Oh ay ay ay ayeeeahahaha oh ay hee ay hee aha. Oh ayeeeay ah!

Grab a saw. Grab yourself. A man should have a talent his hands.

There's your blumpkin. Flush that two!

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