The 1st Amendment in full trucker affect.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Seek and Deport....We're comin' for you Jose!

Rednecks love to hunt don't they?

Deer, swine, rabbits, rodents; you name it they'll tag 'em and bag 'em!

Well, it looks like they've been given some more game. And by none other than that colored fella that's been pissing them off so much, President Barack Obama.

BO's Homeland Security Secretary, former Arizona Gov. and reigning Flagstaff Local 244 Arm Wrestling Tournament champion Janet Napolitano, has made a monumental decision to expand a program called 287 (g), pertaining to the powers of local law enforcement in dealing with illegal immigration.

287 (g)'s expansion is awesome news for hunters and racists alike! It gives local "enforcers of the law" the ability to gain the same powers as their Federal fuck buddies, in arresting and detaining fence jumpers. Homeland Security will now be making agreements with your local piggly wigglies giving them the go ahead to racially profile and seek out immigrants even without suspicion of a crime.

"Ya hear that Merle?! Local fuzz get to hunt down spics! By golly I'm signin' up soon as my parole's up for that time I got caught jerkin' it to my cousin Sally at her confirmation!"

Now that people have been turned into game for our "protectors" to hunt down and since all you need to pass to become a cop is a drug test, I wouldn't be surprised to see all kinds of Billy Joe Bobby Deans and Bobby Bill Jimmy Franks run to their local Sheriff's office and join the force. Oh yes our friends at the border towns can finally disband their little posses and get down to it raw dog.

The ultimate hunt is on and poppin'! Good thing our best hunters will soon be on the prowl doing their patriotic duty for the rest of us.

It will require a keen sense of what the illegal's habits and tendencies are. This is why our most cultured individuals, the local baconators, are on the task.

"Alrighty now boys, it's time to save our homeland and protect America! Hell Yeah! Ok now fellas, be aware of all birthday parties being celebrated in the local park. You find any pinata smackers, you detain them and haul their ass in for questioning."

If shit goes down in La Ciudad like it apparently already has in Morristown, New Jersey we could be in big big trouble. Reportedly a man of the Italian persuasion was cruisin' with his ragtop down in Morristown, bumping some funky latin grooves when 5o asked him to show proof he wasn't an illegal. Astonished, the guido with a taste for bongos and horns pulled out his New jersey I.D. to appease the curious officers. This was an olive skinned spaghetti slurper! Imagine what's going to happen in L.A.! If you're even slightly tan I'd suggest staying far away from all pupuserias and soccer games.

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